Logon Instructions for Oracle9i SQL*Plus
From the Start button select the following:
From the Programs or All Programs menu of your operating system, select the Oracle submenu (by default it is called Oracle - OraHome92; it may be named differently based upon the Home name assigned during the installation process). Point at the Application Development submenu, and then select SQL Plus when it appears in the final submenu.
When the dialog box appears, enter scott as the User Name and tiger as the Password. This is a default user account created for the database. Unless the Oracle9i Database installation requires a network connection, there is no entry required for the Host String. After entering the User Name and Password, click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog box.
NOTE: The dialog box may have rounded edges depending upon your operating system
Once the User Name and Password have been validated, the SQL> prompt will appear to allow the user to enter commands.
If, after logging into SQL*Plus, you discover that you do not have sufficient privileges to perform certain tasks, you may want to try to log into SQL*Plus using the SYSTEM user name that was created when the database was created. The password for the account is the password you entered during the installation process.