I created a web site that will take in RSS feeds following the following steps:


First, I went to http://www.2rss.com/software.php#rsslib and downloaded the PHP software to make a RSS feed that would convert to HTML. I then uploaded the unzipped files to my server area:



Then I wrote some code following examples in the Secrets of RSS book that I have you read online from the Boston Public Library.   I put in the address of the XML that makes the RSS feed for the three sites. Note that my site is audio, the others are written articles.


The code looks like this:




<title>RSS feeds</title>



<div align=center>

<h1>RSS Feeds:</h1>

<h3>CIS32 (Spring 2006)</h3>

<iframe height="300" width="800" frameborder="0"



<h3>From Boston Globe - Hiawartha Bray</h3>

<iframe height="300" width="800" frameborder="0"



<h3>From CNet News</h3>

<iframe height="300" width="800" frameborder="0"




