I clicked on Add and now I am going to but in the address to subscribe to Hiawatha Bray from the Boston Globe.  I click on the RSS feed for his columns and enter it above.  What I am entering is http://syndication.boston.com/business/technology/bray?mode=rss_10



I now clicked on Preview this Feed and this is what I saw.



This shows the columns from the recent past.  Now I go back a page and at the bottom, I click on subscribe.



I now have easy Access to the columns written by Hiawartha Bray.


I am now going to display new items within the last week so I change Session to Week and click Display.

Now I see the new columns within the last week displayed.



Now I am adding the feeds for Spring 2006 from the CIT32 web site. I went to my site and clicked on the XML to get the address – which I copied and am now adding in to my list.



Now I am going to paste the address in to add. Then I will click subscribe.



I am now going to my site and uploading the Speech file.



I went to the bottom of the page and subscribed.  And then I went in and brought in another XML file stored at BCC which was a feed for CIT32 Spring 2006 lectures. Now they are both available.