Internet User/Developer - CIS44

Professor: Priscilla Grocer
Office: K-112

Course Description:

Students will learn to work effectively with Internet navigation and access tools. They will learn to "surf the web", evaluate site design and download items of interest. The design and implementation of effective Web sites will be emphasized and students will learn what makes a Web site work. HTML will be taught and Java Script will be introduced. Software to produce Web sites will also be introduced. Using these development tools, students will develop and maintain their own Web site. Prerequisite: CIS10 or CIS11 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to help the student become an effective Internet user and developer. The student will learn to navigate the Web and the process of creating home pages. At the completion of this course, the following objectives should have been accomplished:

Course outline for code:

These are the coding topics to be covered. The order will be different to accommodate technical needs and to give students time to work on a Web page.
  1. HTML and Web pages
    1. Basics of the Language
    2. More advanced use of the language
    3. Browser differences
    4. Installing a Web page
    5. Maintaining a Web page
  2. Cascading Style Sheets
  3. Java Script
    1. Learning basic Java Script
    2. Integrating script code

Course outline for general topics:

These are the topics to be covered. The order will be different to accommodate technical needs and to give students time to work on a Web page.
  1. e-mail
    1. using e-mail to communicate effectively
    2. using attachments
  2. Other topics
    1. Chat/Boards/Listserv/Newsgroups
    2. Others
  3. Searching and researching
    1. Directories and virtual libraries
    2. Advanced search strategies for search engines
    3. Specialized databases
    4. Searching catalogs, archives, downloading files
    5. Evaluating information found on the WWW
  4. Web site
    1. Why do you need a Web site
    2. What you need to get started
    3. Where you put your page
    4. Gathering, select, organize and prepare information
    5. Hosts
    6. Domains
    7. Interaction
    8. Promotion
  5. Designing effective Web pages
    1. Preparation
    2. Design methods and good design concepts
    3. Site flow and design
    4. Graphics
    5. Ongoing support
    6. Managing site


There will be a lot of homework assignments involving the Internet and a lot of projects. Students will search the Web, participate in the class chat and board discussions, subscribe to services etc. Multiple web pages will be produced using HTML, CSS and Java Script and at least one of these will be installed on the Internet. Maintenance will also be required. Scheduling information about assignments, projects and exams will be kept on the Web site. Students are responsible for checking the schedule.



Assignments and programs are graded using either number grades or letter grades based on the following (A=90-100), B=(80-89), C=(70-79), D=(60-69), F=below 60). The students grade for the course will use the same scale and will be based on the percentages explained in the grading section. Plus and minus grades will be given.


The course is being taught as a in-class course or a distance learning course. The student is responsible for keeping up to date with assignments, studying notes and presentations and finding additional tutorials and resources to support their learning.
This SYLLABUS is not to be construed as a CONTRACT in any way, shape, manner or form. This SYLLABUS is a SUGGESTED course OUTLINE and will be GENERALLY followed, subject to change according to the INSTRUCTOR'S discretion and needs. Academic FLEXIBILITY is important!

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