The listserv that I asked you to subscribe to before, only sent information. This listserv will allow you to send and receive. Examples of use would include employees working on a project that want to communicate, students in a class that are having a discussion of some topic etc.
Anyway, I would like you to subscribe to the listserv listed below. Be warned that you will now get copies of all e-mail messages sent to the listserv. Stay a few days and leave if it gets too much.
The instructions are:
subscribe cishtml yourfirst name your lastname
- You do not need to anything in the body - macjordomo uses the commands typed in the body of the e-mail for the subscription
- Should receive confirmation in about 10 minutes
- To send an psting to the listserv group, send e-mails to
- This e-mail is strictly e-mail - do NOT use attachments or HTML formatting in the e-mail.
- If you need to unsubscribe to the list please send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE cishtml to
- You can get a list of the commands and the options that this listserver accepts by sending a message with "HELP" in the body of a message to