JavaScript Quiz:

The pages below need some work - you need to make the changes and get them to work.


Question #1: This page uses a function and passes it a color. Code the function and make the page work.




<TITLE>Changing Color</TITLE>




<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=redButton VALUE=RED onClick="newColor('red')">

<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=orangeButton VALUE=ORANGE onClick="newColor('orange')">

<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=yellowButton VALUE=YELLOW onClick="newColor('yellow')">

<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=greenButton VALUE=GREEN onClick="newColor('green')">

<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=blueButton VALUE=BLUE onClick="newColor('blue')">

<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=purpleButton VALUE=PURPLE onClick="newColor('purple')">





Question #2: This code takes in a password and then checks before opening a page.







<H1>Password test!</H1>

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

var correctPassword;

var thePassword="student";

correctPassword=prompt("Please enter your password to view this page!","");


need to insert a IF statement here to check to see if the password is correct. If it is not correct you want to put out an alert. If it is correct then you want to go to a window.location that is my home page.