Introduction to CIS44

Welcome to the Internet User/Developer. This course will cover browsers, Web page development issues, HTML, JavaScript and e-commerce issues. A portion of in class time will be spent working on Web assignments. People taking the course over the Web can do these assignments on their own time. The course will cover a lot of material and help you to become proficient with the Web as a tool and with creating and maintaining your own Web site.

If you are taking this as a Web based course it is extremely important that you either own a computer or have daily access to a computer. For students taking the course over the Web, the computer is your only source for information and the way you will communicate with the instructor. If you do not have a computer available and you are not comfortable working on the Web, you should be taking this course using the classroom option (see below).

The Web site:

The Web site that you are currently visiting will contain all information for this course. It is a resource for students in the classroom and the method of delivery for students taking the course over the Web. The class notes and sample HTML and JavaScript will all be posted at the site as well as the assignments. In addition to the list of assignments, there is also a week by week schedule to help the student keep current. I usually update the site four or five times a week, so be sure to check it on a regular basis. Note: Assignments will not be handed out in class, they are available on the Web.

The site for CIS44 also has a bulletin board or boardroom where I can post information that is important and you can post information or questions. Other students can respond to your postings as well as myself. There is also a chat room. We will set up a specific time when students can gather for conversation about any aspect of the course. Please note that hackers/spammers/whatever have found the boardroom. I will make every attempt to keep it clean, but unfortunately there has been an instance where the SexHacker left a message. Please let me know if inappropriate messages appear at the site.

On the second page of the Web site, there is a link called Postings/Notes. Here I will post all information that is important to students taking all of my courses. For example, if I cancel classes, I will try my best to post it there.

 The way this course works:

Students taking this course have three options:

  1. They may choose to take it as a traditional classroom/lecture course and attend all or at least most classes
  2. They may take the class entirely over the Web meaning that they will get notes and sample programs over the Web and they will communicate with me mainly through the board room for general interest questions and e-mail for specific questions.
  3. Students can blend the two approaches described above. If they have questions about the material, if they are confused about a specific topic, or if they just feel like attending class they are welcome to do so. If it is inconvenient to attend class or they feel that they understand the material and don't need the classroom activity, they can work through the Web site.


All students taking the course must have an e-mail address. If you don't have one currently you can get a free address from the college by going to administrative computing in the middle of the first floor in K-Building. Go up the ramp and ask for the information on an e-mail address. As soon as you have an e-mail address send me an e-mail so I can put you into my system.

There are also sources for free e-mail on the Web. Juno and NetZero are two examples of free e-mail.

Students taking the course over the Web must communicate with me at least once a week via e-mail just to let me know they are still there!

For everyone in the class: If you miss more than two classes in a row, please send me an e-mail letting me know that you to still exist!

For in class students and Web students, assignments should be turned in the same or following week. HTML and JavaScript projects as well as other projects have a specified due date that should be met. I accept late papers with no individual penalty or point loss. The problem is that there is a lot of work and if you get behind you risk completing the course. In addition, 10% of your grade is based on participation, quality of work, getting things in on time etc., so chronic lateness will affect your grade.

Web students should send me assignments over the Web or they may put them under my door or in my mailbox. In class students should pass in assignments at the end of class or put them under my door or in my mailbox. In class students can also send me assignments via e-mail.

On most assignments, if you get a bad grade you can either resubmit or do a make-up. If I have heavily corrected the assignment and the answers are there, needless to say you cannot resubmit. Make-up assignments will be posted on a regular basis.


If you need help, see me or e-mail me and we will figure out the best response. Better to see as soon as you see signs of a problem! You can send me drafts of assignments with particular questions over e-mail and I will respond as soon as possible. With rare exception I check my Web site every day and on days when I am not at BCC, I usually check it multiple times. I am willing to set up review sessions or question and answer sessions for in class students, Web students or both. Questions and answers can also be done in the chat room.