CSS samples for CIS44 (XHTML) - Internet User/Developer

Sample CSS code Link to retrieve
I have saved the .css files as .txt to make it easier to download. If you want to use them, you will need to change the extension and save them with a .css extension.
Cascading Style Sheets in XHTML Note that CSS style sheets are saved with .txt to make it easier to view them on the web. When you download, you should save with .css extension so they will work as stylesheets with the XHTML pages.
A lot of these used to validate strict, but do not meet current standards. You should check them!
testcss1x.html (using 3 types of style) - validates strict
testcss1ax.txt (download and save with .css)
css1htmlrecx.html (external) - validates strict
css1xrev.txt (download and save with .css)
css1htmlrev2x.html (external) - validates strict
css1xrev2.txt (download and save with .css)
cssinhead1x.html (style in head) - validates strict
css2x.html (more on style) - validates strict
css2x.txt (download and save with .css)
css3x.html (more on style) - validates strict
css3x.txt (download and save with .css)
cssinr1x.html (style and classes) - validates strict
cssinr2x.html (style and classes) - validates strict
More CSS in XHTML importx.html (features) - validates strict
cssAx.txt (download and save with .css)
cssBx.txt (download and save with .css)
csstryfromx.html (features) - validates strict
csstryfromxfix.html (features) - validates strict
overabsx.html (overlapping images) - validates strict
overab1x.html (overlapping iamges) - validates strict
positioncssx.html (background image positions) - validates strict
positioncssyx.html (background image positions) - validates strict
positioncss1x.html (background image positions) - validates strict
positioncss2x.html (background image positions) - validates strict
positioncss3x.html (background image positions) - validates strict
posfloat1x.html (floating) - validates strict
clearCSSx.html (float and clear in HTML5 - validates strict
Page Layout tabletemplatex.html (page layout using percents) - validates strict
tabletempl2x.html (page layout using px) - validates strict
threecoltable.html (table layout 3 columns) - validates strict
threecol1.html (CSS layout) - validates strict
More CSS dropdownlist.html

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer: pgrocer@bristol.mass.edu

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