CIS Blog Assignment:

  1. You need to create a blog for use in this course. To do that you should go to and follow the steps to create a blog.
  2. This semester you should read three articles a week related to the topics we are studying. You will find a list of topics at my web site under links, you should also do searches on the web to find articles that are relevant to the material we are covering at that point in the class.
  3. You should make a posting on your blog for each of the articles you read. The posting should include the name of the article, the author, the date, the source, the address so I can go to the article and a one paragraph explanation of what the article covered, what you got out or reading the article, and whether you found it useful or not.
You should send me the address of your blog by the end of the second week of classes. A list of blogs will be posted at the website so others can look for interesting articles.
I will periodically check your blog to make sure you are making postings. The grade for the blog will be given at the end of the course. It will be based on the content you have posted and on the fact that you have been reasonably current about your postings.