First HTML Assignment

Open Notepad to write your HTML code in. You will also need to open Explorer or Netscape view the results. It doesn’t matter whether you are connected to the Internet or not when you are working on HTML assignments. When you add the XHTML DOCTYPE to the top of your page it uses a web address so to use the XHTML correctly you need to be connected. If you are not the page will still work according to the browser's support of HTML. When I am coding XHTML or HTML, I keep both Notepad and the browser I am using open so I can switch back and forth. Once you have opened the page in your browser, using the refresh key in the browser will show the latest saved version of the page you are working on.

This assignment should be passed in via email as an attachment. Here is what I want you to do: The reason for this is that depending on your email provider, sometimes the code gets changed in the .html or .htm version. Sending me the .txt version allows me to see the original code.


When you look at web pages, you can see the HTML code by going to VIEW in your browser and looking for SOURCE or PAGE SOURCE or something similiar. The key word here is source.

The web page you pass into me should have the following elements:

  1. A header in range H2 through H6
  2. P for a paragraph
  3. Bold
  4. Italics
  5. UL
  6. LI
  7. BR for break
NOTE: There is no requirement that this page make any sense. You are simply working with HTML tags.
Once your page is working, you should validate the code using the W3C validator. W3C validator
Don't forget to change the encoding to Western Europe.