This code will be centered
This is not centered
Now I am centering again
You can use left to align as well although left is the default.
You can also right align using the align clause.
This Web Page has a non white background because the background color was set to
FFFFC2. Note that #FFFFFF is pure white and #000000 is pure black.
I randomly put in 000BBB for the text and got a blue coloring.
For the list of different codes and colors, go to my Web site and look for a listing
under colors. NOTE: The # in front of the color code is not required in HTML.
This gives me a large font
This gives me red text
Note that for standard colors, I can assign
the color red to the font. For more subtle shades, I need to use the code for that color.
Read about how colors are treated by browsers and true colors. In this example I used
00dd00 which gave me a shade of green.