Frame Assignment
These are the things that have to appear on this weeks web pages.
All of the pages should be linked so that I can move from one to another by
clicking on words or icons. You must tell me which page to start with and
from that point on I should not have to load any pages - the other pages should
load automatically when I click on a link that you have on your page. Be careful
to make sure that I can move forward and backward - sometimes if you are not
careful, pages can appear within frames the wrong way.
- Create a frame page that contains 3 pages in rows down the page - top/bottom layout
- Create a frame page that contains 3 pages in columns across the page left/right layout
- Create a frame page that has a frame across the top, three frames in columns at the bottom
Create a frame page that contains a different page in each of the four quarters of the page - like the example I have on the Web
- Use nested frames (frames within frame) - different layout structure than #4
- Use top with target
- Use blank with target
- Use self with target
- Use name with target
- Link to a source on the web that explains HTML frames
- Use an image in one or more frames
- Use an image as an icon for me to move from place to place
Extra credit:
- Create your own piece of "artwork" and include it on a frame - you will not be graded
on the quality of your artwork but rather the fact that you could create it and include it.
- Can you set up frames so that you do not see the borders? Include an illustration if
you can.