This is the first week of classes for this course. I am sticking with the calendar, so I am calling it week #2, but...
This semester we will be looking at both HTML5 and XHTML. Here is an example of both styles:
Code for a basic example of HTML5 Code for a basic example of XHTML I want you to look at HTML5 sample code and then
HTML5 - intro and XHTML sample code and then XHTML - intro. You can also look at getting started under XHTML. There
are presentations to accompany XHTML. Because I do the Smartboard, I have stopped doing the presentations and focused
on the Smartboard explanations. We will also look at validation in both HTML5 and XHTML. The validator is located at W3.
If you validate by File Upload and browse to find your file and then click on check, the validator will give you feedback.
Validator I will be available for help Tues and Thurs afternoon from 1:45 until 3:15 for anyone who wants some help.
Hopefully I will be in K101, if not look for me in K112 and we will find a lab. Assignments to turn in:
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there. Survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
First HTML assignment.
This is the first week of classes for this course. I am sticking with the calendar, so I am calling it week #2, but...
This semester we will be looking at both HTML5 and XHTML. Here is an example of both styles:
Code for a basic example of HTML5 Code for a basic example of XHTML I want you to look at HTML5 sample code and then
HTML5 - intro and XHTML sample code and then XHTML - intro. You can also look at getting started under XHTML. There
are presentations to accompany XHTML. Because I do the Smartboard, I have stopped doing the presentations and focused
on the Smartboard explanations. We will also look at validation in both HTML5 and XHTML. The validator is located at W3.
If you validate by File Upload and browse to find your file and then click on check, the validator will give you feedback.
Validator I will be available for help Tues and Thurs afternoon from 1:45 until 3:15 for anyone who wants some help.
Hopefully I will be in K101, if not look for me in K112 and we will find a lab. Assignments to turn in:
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there. Survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
First HTML assignment.