Status Sheet for CIS258

Fall 2017





How much time on the average did you spend each week on this course?

I would strongly prefer you enter the grade if the assignment has been returned. Tell me if the assignment has been done, done and graded, if you plan to do it or if you will probably never do it!
Let me know if I forgot something, I would figure it out sooner or later anyway...

  • Week #1: RWD experiment
  • Week #1: Changing layout
  • Week #1: More on layout
  • Week #2: RWD 8 boxes
  • Week #2: Another experiment
  • Week #2: UX Design
  • Week #3: Background image
  • Week #3: JQuery Mobile
  • Week #4: JQuery Mobile and PHP
  • Week #5: JQuery JavaScript
  • Week #6: JQuery JavaScript
  • Week #7: Login
  • Week #8: DOM in CIS122 website project
  • Week #8: DOM
  • Week #10: JSON
  • Week #10: PHP and JSON
  • Week #12: AJAX and JQuery
  • Tell me if I missed anything in the list!

    Tell me any extra credit that you did!