Mid Semester Status Sheet - Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation

Spring 2009



This is a check for yourself – if you need to check with me on something you can ask questions about individual assignments or send a copy of this to me including the status on each assignment (passed in, grade, have not received back etc). I can then confirm or answer questions. If you are more than three weeks behind, you need to give me a plan for how you intend to complete the course and let me know about support that might help in making it happen!

I would strongly prefer you enter the grade if the assignment has been returned. If you passed an assignment in, but have not received it back please indicate that fact as you mark the list so I can contact you if I do not have your work. Let me know if I forgot something, I would figure it out sooner or later anyway...

Week #1: Game collection database

Week #2: Access Design and SQL Project

Week #3: Logic assignment

Week #3: Logic Quiz

Week #4: Quiz

Week #5: Alternative flowchart assignment if you were not in class when we did the flowcharts as a project.

Week #5: Algorithm Assignment

Week #5/6: JavaScript for algorithm problems

Week #7: Second JavaScript assignment

Week #8: LOGO assignment

Week #8: Ex Credit: LOGO assignment

Week #9: Portfolio project

Week #9: Binary, hex assignment