Preliminary Status Sheet - Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation Summer 2008

The status sheet is a required part of the final – you cannot pass the final without a status sheet.



Contact Information:

Which did you find the most helpful in logic development related to programming: LOGO, Alice, JavaScript, Visual Basic.

It would be great if you would rank them 1, 2, 3 and 4 and comment on what worked best and what helped you least. Thanks!

Have you registered for courses for next semester? If not, do you need some help deciding on what courses to take?

Please check all assignments that have been completed and include the grade you received if possible.

I would strongly prefer you enter the grade if the assignment has been returned. If you passed an assignment in, but have not received it back please indicate that fact as you mark the list so I can contact you if I do not have your work. Let me know if I forgot something, I would figure it out sooner or later anyway...

Status Questions:

Have you completed the course?

If not, what are your plans? Be as specific as you can!

Depending on the amount and quality of work you did, you may get the grade you deserve with the option of changing it or you may get an incomplete or you may be withdrawn if you have not done an adequate amount of work to justify continuing the course on your own. If it is important to you to get either a grade or an incomplete or a withdrawal, please tell me here and explain why! If possible, I will try to honor your request, but it does depend on how much work you have completed and the quality of the work! Completing an incomplete may also mean doing different work than was assigned during the semester - the answers to some things are out, so different assignments are the only fair approach. You need to check with me! Remember, if you take an incomplete, the highest grade you can earn in the course is a B+. If you take an incomplete, you need to talk to me about the method of submitting work. I want the work submitted together as a project as opposed to piece by piece.