Quiz #2

This quiz has questions about Access and questions from the text.
If the statement is false, you must tell why or you must correct the statement:
Question #1: True or False (and why): In Access SQL the following SQL means that both the major has to be CI and the gpa has to be greater than 3 or that just the credits has to be greater than 30.
SELECT idno, stuname, major, gpa, credits
FROM stutable
WHERE major = "CI" and (gpa > 3 or credits > 30);
Question #2: True or False (and why): In Access SQL, the following SQL means that the major has to be CI and in addition either the gpa has to be greater than 3 or the credits must be greater than 30.
SELECT idno, stuname, major, gpa, credits
FROM stutable
WHERE major = "CI" and (gpa > 3 or credits > 30);
Question #3: What are the three major operations that computer hardware and software accomplish?

Question #4: After your write a computer program, a _____________ or _____________ is used to translate your program into machine language.

Question #5: What are the steps in the program development cycle?

Question #6: When you write a computer program and you make a mistake in the language, for example using RIGHT instead of WRITE, you have made a _______________ error.
Question #7: If you add the data in payPerHour to the data in HrsWorked instead of multiplying them together, that is called a ______________ error.

Question #8: Two tools discussed in the text that you can use to plan the logic for a program are _________________ and ____________________.

Question #9: A ______________ is the name for data stored in a named memory location.

Question #10: ans = ans + 1 is called an __________________ statement and the = is called an ________________ sign.