Sequential Update
Information that is kept on files needs to be modified as
changes to the information on the file occur.
This process is called UPDATING and the files that are being update
are usually called MASTER FILES. Updating
allows the company to keep a file up-to-date, without that capacity, the file
would be obsolete shortly after it was created
Updating a file can involve the following:
adding records to
the file
changing records
on the file
deleting records
from the file
The add, change and delete transactions that will be used
to update the master file are keyed in and saved on a transaction file. That transaction file will be processed with
the master file to update the file.
There are two kinds of business updating. One is the classic concept of maintenance
updating where information is added, changed and deleted. For example at a college, maintenance
updating is done to add new students to the file, delete students that have
dropped out and make changes to students records when the student changes
majors, changes a course etc. Another
kind of updating is production updating that occurs during processing
and usually involves just changes. For
example when a sales is made inventory for the item is update to reflect that
there are less items on hand or when a payment is received the amount owed is
updated to reflect the payment. This
handout will deal with maintenance updating because it is the most
comprehensive type.
Maintenance updating is the process by which files are kept current. In the sequential maintenance updating
process, there are a series of three programs that compose the update
maintenance cycle.
EDIT Program |
The transactions that will
be used in the update must be as error free as possible to prevent corrupting
the master file. To assure the
integrity of the data, the transactions should be processed in an edit
program and only valid transactions should be allowed to update the
master file. The output of
the edit file includes the valid (good) transaction file which will be
processed in the next step. |
SORT Program |
The master file is in some
kind of order - the usual order is by identification number. The transaction file must be in the same
order as the master file. The
sort program sorts the valid transactions and creates a sorted valid
transaction file. |
UPDATE Program |
The update program uses the
sorted valid transaction file to update the master file, creating a new
master file and reports. The update
program completes the updating maintenance cycle. |
Update Program
The file that is to be updated is a master file
that contains information the company needs for example the payroll master
file, the inventory master file, the student master file. Updating can be done either sequentially or
randomly. Random update requires that
the master file be indexed and so the code is beyond the scope of this
Sequential processing involves a master input file, a
transaction input file, a new master output file and one or more report
files. The master file contains the
master records for the current version of the file. The transaction file contains the activity that will be processed
against the master file. This means
that the transaction file contains information about the new records that should be added to the master file, the
changes that need to be made to the master file, and the records that need to
be deleted from the master file. The new master output file will be the result
of the processing that added new records, changed existing records and deleted
old records. An error report must be
produced and usually there is also a report of the successful processing.
When a record is to be added, a new record is written to
the new master file. A record that is
to be deleted will either not be copied to the new master file thereby deleting
from the newest version of the master file or it will be flagged in some way to
indicate that it is an inactive record.
Note that sometimes records need to be kept even though they are no
longer active and have been set for deletion.
An example of this is a payroll file where employees that have quit must
be maintained on the file for end of year processing, but they are inactive
since they are no longer an employee and no longer getting paychecks. These records would be flagged in some way
for deletion. One way to flag the
record is to have a field called active and change the code in that field to
indicate an inactive record.
When a record is changed the data in one or more fields
is changed. The processing involves
adding, changing or deleting data in an individual field:
data is put in a field
that was previously empty (data was added)
data in the field is
replaced with other data (data was changed)
data in the field is
deleted and the field is set to blanks or zeros (data was deleted)
To add or change data, the user would put the data in the
appropriate field on the transaction and the program will make the change to a
copy of the existing master record in memory.
Deleting data from a field involves a little more work. The programmer must determine how the user
will indicate that data in a particular field is to be deleted. One possibility would be to put a hyphen in
the last character of the field on the transaction. The program can then check the last character and if it is equal
to a hyphen then spaces or zeros are moved to the field on the copy of the
existing master record in memory. When
all changes to fields are complete, the copy of the existing master record
which has had the changes made will be written on the new master file.
Note that in making changes to the file, the
identification number is usually not allowed to change because this would
distroy the sequence of the records in the file. If the identification number is to change, the record should be
deleted and then added.
Depending on the design of the update transactions, the
change can take many forms. Three
frequently used designs are explained here:
A transaction can have a
code indicating this is a change transaction for a specific field. For example, there might be a field called
field to change. A code N in that field
might mean this transaction will be used to change a name. In this case, only the name field is to be
changed. If the address also needs to
be changed, another transaction will be used.
The transaction can be
used to change several related fields.
This is similiar to the first example in this list except that several
related fields are carried on the same transaction. For example, since if street address changes, frequently city,
state, and ZIP as well as phone number also change. Therefore all these fields could be carried on a single
A transaction can carry
all of the data to be changed in a layout similiar to the master record. In this case, all of the fields must be
checked to see if a change is needed.
Using this method, blanks in a field on the transaction would mean that
no change is to be made to that field
Data in a field on the transaction would mean that whatever in currently
in the field should be replaced by the data in the field on the transaction
(this could result in either adding or changing data - if the field on the
master is blank, the program will add data - if the field on the master
contains data, the program will replace and therefore change the data). A code such as a hyphen in the last
character of the field could mean that the data in the field on the master is
to be deleted (replaced by blanks or zeros).
Main or master file
containing company records for a particular application |
Transaction file containing
the information to add new records to the file, change existing records, and delete
records from the file |
New version of the main or
master file containing all the old information that did not change or was not
deleted, plus the added information and the changed information |
Report of errors that could
not be processed - this usually involves: ·
records that were
supposed to be changed but aren’t there ·
records that were
supposed to be deleted but weren’t there ·
records that were
supposed to be added but a record with the same id was already there |
This report is mainly a
paper trail - it contains a list of the transactions that were successfully
processed and any other information the company wants to record |
The logic of the sequential update program starts by
reading a master file record and a transaction record. Two things are checked to determine the
processing that can be done:
the identification
number on the master file and the identification number on the transaction file
are compared - the logic of the update dictates that the record with the
smallest identification number is processed first - if the identification
numbers are equal, the records are processed together
the processing code
(Add, Change, or Delete) on the transaction file is checked
If the transaction is a change and there is a master
record with the same identification number as the transaction, the change will
be made and the new record will be written on the output new master file. If the transaction is an add and no record
exists on the master file with that identification number, a new record will be
written on the output new master file.
If the transaction is a delete and the record exists on the master file,
the record will not be written on the output new master file, thereby deleting
the record. If the master has no
transactions that effect it, it is simply copied on to the output new master
A summary of the processing that will result from
comparing the identification numbers and checking the transaction code is shown
in the table below (Assume that MID means master identification number and TID
means transaction identification number.)
Tran Code = A |
Tran Code = C |
Tran Code = D |
Since the master is less
than the transaction, there is no activity for that master. The master is simply written on the new
master file. A read is done on the input master file to get the next master
record. |
Invalid add transaction -
error will be written on the report (can’t add a record that is already
there). Since the transaction was
processed and the master was not, a new transaction record is read. |
Valid change transaction -
changes are made to the master record in memory, record is written to valid
transaction report and another transaction is read (this will allow for
multiple changes to the same master record - see note below) |
Valid delete transaction -
the master record will not be written on the output new master file (see note
below) - record is written to valid transaction report - another master record and another
transaction record will be read |
Valid add transaction -
information from add transaction is written on the output new master file and
valid transaction report. Since the
transaction was processed, a new transaction record is read |
Invalid change transaction
- error will be written on the report (can’t change master that isn’t
there). Since the transaction was
processed, a new transaction record is read. |
Invalid delete transaction
- error will be written on the report (can’t delete master that isn’t
here). Since the transaction was
processed. a new transction record is read. |
Note on valid change - if the programmer is certain that there is only one
change per transaction, the change could be made and the changed record written
on the new master file followed by the transaction read. However, usually the possibility of multiple
changes is a reality. Consider for
example a payroll file where a change of address is entered and then later the
person gets a pay raise another transaction is therefore entered. Safe processing usually allows for multiple
Multiple transactions - as an extension to the concept of multiple changes,
think about the situation where there are multiple transactions of different types. For example if there is an add and a change
with the same id you would want the transactions sorted so that you process the
add before the changes. Usually
transactions are not just sorted by identification number but by code as
well. The codes of A, C, and D
accomodate the sorting by code.
Note on valid delete
- in some cases the record cannot be
physically deleted so it is written on the new master file with a flag (a code
that would indicate the record has been logically deleted). An example of this is a payroll file, if an
employee quits in February, the system still needs to keep the employee to
prepare W2 forms at the end of the year etc.
Summary of the chart above:
Tran Code = A |
Tran Code = C |
Tran Code = D |
Write old master record
on the new master file ·
Input master file is
read |
Invalid add written to
error report ·
Transaction read |
Change is made in
memory ·
Valid change
tranaction written to valid report ·
Transaction read |
Nothing is written to
new master file ·
Valid delete
transaction written to valid report ·
Transaction read ·
Input master file read |
Valid add written to
new master file ·
Transaction written to
valid report ·
Transaction read |
Invalid change written
to error report ·
Transaction read |
Invalid delete written
to error report ·
Transaction read |
End of file considerations
update processing involves processing two files against each other. If the transaction file reaches end of file
before the master file that means there is no activity against the remaining
master records and they should be simply copied to the new master file. If the master file reaches end of file
before the transaction file, the only valid transactions are adds since you
need a master to change or delete.
Remember that in sequential updating design logic so that
we always process the file with the smaller identification number. To continue processing when end of file has
been reached on one of the files, the file that still contains records should
process as having the smallest identification number. To guarantee that this will happen, the programmer can move all
binary 1s to the identification number
of the file that has run out. If
something is compared to all binary 1s it will always compare less so
processing will continue.
for sequential update
is a very “generic” pseudocode, for many updates certain sections will need to
be modified to accomodate the specific processing that is required. This pseudocode covers the top level logic,
it does not show many of the lower level routines that write the reports etc.
Open input master file,
input transaction file and output new master file, output error report file, output
valid transaction report file
Accept date and time if
Processing Control
Initializing read for
the master file - if end of file is reached, move high values to the master
identification number so that from now on the transaction file will always
compare less than the master file
Initializing read for
the transaction file - if end of file is reached, move high values to the
transaction identification number so that from now on the master file will
always compare less than the transaction file
Perform the B-200-LOOP
until move files reach end of file (both files have high values in their
identification number field)
Perform any end of file
processing including totals
Processing Loop
Processing would be
controlled with the following IF statement
Write the input master record on the output
new master
Read input master file
IF transaction code is C
Process the change
Write valid change
Read transaction file
IF transaction code
is D
Write valid delete transaction
input master file
transaction file
Write invalid add transaction
transaction file
IF transaction code is A
Perform the add new
record routine
Write valid add
Read transaction file
IF transaction code
is C
invalid change transaction
transaction file
invalid delete transaction
transaction file