JavaScript Assignment for CIS17:

  1. Write the code to take in a series of purchases - input the price and the item name. Stop the loop when you have spent over 200 dollars.
  2. Take in an inventory item, the price, and the cost. Figure out the profit. If the profit is greater than half the cost write the message saying high profit. If the profit is greater than a quarter of the cost write message saying good profit. Otherwise write the message saying check profit. Make a loop that takes in three items.
  3. You are having a four day sale. The price of an item will drop 10% each day. Take in a price and do a while loop to print out the price for each day of the sale.
  4. Write the program to play the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. A game is one random guess by the computer compared to user input. Write the program so the user can choose to play again or quit. Your program should be unique and not similiar to any solutions found on the web.
Test your programs in a browser to make sure they work!