This is a flowchart assignment that I will accept on paper or you can do it on paper and scan and send, however extra credit if you do it using some software application such as PowerPoint, Impress from OpenSource, Visio etc:
  1. If the category is A or the itemPrice is > 50 assign the message "Special" to msg.
  2. If the category is A and either onHand is < 50 or onOrder < 75 assign the message "Check inventory" to msg.
  3. If the category is A, you want to add 1 to CTA. If category is B, you want to add 1 to CTB. For all other categories you want to add 1 to CTOTHER.
  4. If the category is A and onHand is < 50 OR if category is B and onHand is < 100, you need to assign the msg "CHECK" to msg.
  5. If the category is A or the category is B and the budget is greater than 250000 assign the message "OK" to msg.
  6. If the person on the record either makes over 50000 OR has a house code of "Own" and it is worth over 500000, assign "ELIGIBLE" to msg otherwise assign "NOT ELIGIBLE" to msg.