Visual Basic Lab Assignment:


In writing these programs, develop your own examples – do not use my examples!


Problem #1:  For

Write something using a FOR statement (extra credit if you use two nested FOR statements. 


Problem #2: IF statement

Write a program to take in an exam grade, a project grade and homework grade (they should be entered as numbers).  You should then calculate the average giving each one equal weight.  Finally you should display the letter grade that the student will receive using IF statements.


Problem #3: Visual Basic Arrays

Set up the following array for vacation resorts:


Resort No

Resort Name


Lake View


Laurel Ridge


Mountain View


Running Creek


Rocky Ridge



Have a textbox to take in the resort number and display the resort name on the screen.


Problem #4 Your choice
Do something else with Visual Basic. Your choice - experiment and try things! Show me the results. The only requirement is that there be at least two buttons that the user can press and things will display on the screen.


If you do not have access to Visual Basic, you should write the code following the examples in the slide show and explain what would be on the form to get partial credit.  If you want to work in VB.NET, let me know and I will send you some VB.NET examples.