JavaScript Problems

Problem #1:  Take in a height and a width and calculate the area of a rectangle.

Problem #2:  Take in 3 temperatures for a day and calculate the average.

Problem #3  Take in the price of an item and the quantity bought.  Take in the price of
a second item and the quantity bought.  The output should be the total amount the
customer owes for the items they bought, the tax they should pay assuming a tax of 5% and the 
total amount they will owe after taxes.  Identify each output with words and then the amount.

Problem #4: You need to calculate your grade.  Take in the homework grade, the responsibility
grade and the final grade.  The homework is 80% of your final grade, the responsibility is
10% of your final grade and the final is also 10% of your final grade.  Calculate and
display the average. Then figure out the letter grade and output the average and the letter

Problem #5: You need to calculate an employees pay.  To do this you will need:

        the number of hours the employee worked

        the number of hours the employee is contracted to work before the employee receives overtime (for example, the employee might be contracted to work 40 hours and only receives overtime for hours over 40)

        the pay per hour

        the rule for calculating over time (time and one half would be 1.5 while double time would be 2).

Test this problem with information about an employee who did not work over their contracted hours and again for an employee who did work over 
their contracted hours.