Service Learning Project


The service-learning project involves contributing 10 hours or more to a project that serves the community.  The CIS17 project involves bringing students in to work with LOGO, Alice and sometimes Game Maker.


We will bring in elementary and middle school students and BCC students who choose to participate will be assigned one or more students to work with.  There will be several sessions this semester. You have to participate in 3 or 4 (depends on hours) groups to earn the service learning.


Prior to the arrival of the students, you should think through what you want to go over with them and figure out your approach.


We are preparing a website that teachers can use that will give some of the basics of LOGO and Alice. 


Each student participating in the project needs to prepare for their meeting with the students so they have something for them to do.  An assignment that a teacher could use in the classroom – similar to the first LOGO assignment I gave you complete with pictures etc., or a PowerPoint showing how to do something in Alice or LOGO would also work for preparation.  The best of these will be made available to the teachers (hopefully that means all of them)!  After the meetings, you need to write a reflection on how it worked, how it could be improved, what you got out of the experience etc.


Those that participate will get service learning and extra credit. Extra credit can also be earned by preparing the assignment or PowerPoint. This will give distance-learning students the chance to earn the extra credit, but you have to actually be on campus working with the students to earn the service learning.  Distance Learning students can contact me about possible activities in your community


If you are interested in participating in the service learning project, I would like you to let me know either in the sign up in class or via am email.  However, if you come to class for the first session and want to participate, we will work you in!